Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I'm a HATER!

That's right folk, I'm a hater!  At least that's what I've been called by people who don't agree with my opinions. Funny thing is that I was raised in a country where I was taught there was a thing called "free speech" where you could openly express your opinions.  Others didn't have to agree with your opinions, but they should at least respect your right to have them.

"I may not agree with your opinions, but I will defend to the death your right to them!"

No more!  If your opinion differs, then you are beyond the pale.  You are a hate filled non-person who does not deserve any consideration other than to be dismissed and disdained.

So, when I question the President's "evolution" over gay marriage as being political, I am a gay hater.

When I caution people not to jump to conclusions in the Treyvon Martin case, I am a racist hater.

When I question the so called "scientific consensus" of Global Climate Change, I am a "flat-earth" denying hater of the planet!

I was reading an article this morning in the New Yorker Magazine Online (I do my best to read BOTH sides of the political press) and the author quoted his wife as saying "People are really willing to vote for Mitt Romney? They hate Obama so much they’d vote for Romney?"  Really?  REALLY?

Why is the assumption that my political motivations are all based on HATE?  Can't I have a policy disagreement or dislike his leadership style, or his foreign policy?

Seems like just a few years ago, the press was trumpeting that "dissent is the highest form of patriotism".

I guess that only applies when your "dissent" is against a Republican president.  

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