Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Myth of the Undecided Voter

As the presidential election approaches, I have seen more and more articles about the "undecideds".  This morning, Politico had an article about "The disappearing undecideds..."  In the article, the author basically lamented that our country has become so polarized that the "middle" where these undecideds supposedly reside are becoming fewer and fewer.  But seriously, let me ask you...

Is there any INFORMED citizen in this country that hasn't already made up his or her mind?

I will agree that there are those who adhere to the extreme, those Democrats that would never vote for a Republican for any reason, and vice versa.  Call that 1/3rd of the voting public.

There are also those who really try to understand the issues, weigh the people and personalities of those running, and make the best decision that they can, though they tend to "lean" to one side or the other.  Call that also about 1/3rd of the voting public.

That leaves a third of the voting eligible population who are either too clueless, too self-absorbed or honestly too stupid to have an opinion.

You know some of these people.  They live in their own world, oblivious to virtually everything around them.  They seldom watch news programs, never read newspapers or magazines, have no opinions, and feel strongly about nothing.  If it weren't for the relentless efforts of political parties, they wouldn't even be registered to vote, let alone actually take part in an election process.

Are THESE the people you want choosing your next president?


OK, so call me a snob, but I'm not sure I'm comfortable with these people breeding, let alone electing our president.

If ANYONE can live in this country at this time and NOT have an opinion about anything, something is seriously wrong.

So, the next time YOU come across one of these clueless creatures who know more about who is on "The Bachelor" or "American Idol" than who their Senator or Congressperson is, PLEASE politely encourage them NOT to vote.

This has been a message in the public interest.

Go back to your lives citizens...

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