Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rainy Day Ramblings

It’s raining in West Texas today.  Not one of those big, booming thunderstorms that we get in springtime, but a nice steady rain that has the potential to last all day.

On days like this, things seem to slow down a bit out here.  Farmers spend a little more time in the coffee shop; traffic slows down to avoid the big puddles, and even average folks spend a little bit more time just 
looking out the window.

People in West Texas are more introspective on a day like this.

Today is also Tax Day.  While most Americans have already filed, received and spent their income tax returns, there are still a few who are rushing to beat the deadline of midnight to get something filed.  Having Tax Day fall on a lazy, rainy day like today must be a real challenge to those people.

Anyway, I was reading today that the New York Times conducted a survey of TEA Party participants and low and behold, those people are better educated and wealthier than the “average” American.

All I can say to the New York Times is:  DUH!

Now remember, my thinking is moving a little slow today, so try to follow me on this.

People who are struggling to get by have to WORK.  Unless subsidized by some group, like their Union or Political Party or “Community Action” group like ACORN, they cannot afford to take off of work without pay to attend a rally.  Even if they could, they probably wouldn’t agree with the message of the TEA Party.

Logically, only people who can AFFORD to take the day off, those who are retired, or those who do not HAVE to work would show up at one of these TEA Parties.

It follows that a person, who CAN afford to take the day off, without outside subsidy, must have better than average financial means, right?

It also follows that people who are the most successful financially tend to be better educated than those who aren’t, right?

According to the article, TEA Party participants tend to be “Republican, white, male, married and older than 45.

Hmmm…   Statistically, aren’t these the people who are in the prime earning period of their lives?  Aren’t these the people who are the drivers of the economy? Aren’t these the people who have a large tax bill?

Imagine that THEY would be concerned that the federal government is slowly strangling them to financial death with higher taxes.  Imagine THEY would be concerned that the massive federal DEFICIT and DEBT is slowly bleeding our country to death.  Imagine that THEY would actually turn out to PROTEST this!

Apparently to the New York Times, this is news.

Out here on the plains, it seems pretty obvious to me.

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