Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Twenty-two Percent

I was reading the news online yesterday and I saw the following headline:

Poll: Majority lacks trust in government

In reading the article, I discovered that only 22 percent of Americans surveyed say that they can trust the Federal Government some or most of the time.

Twenty-one percent say that they are angry at the Federal Government and thirty percent feel that the Federal Government is a major threat to them.

It is amazing to me that the Government of the United States has alienated 78 PERCENT of the American People!  That means 8 people out of 10 agree that the government cannot be trusted.  

You can't get 8 people out of 10 to agree on where to eat, let alone agree that the government is screwed up.

How on earth did this happen?

Naturally, I have a theory.

From 2002 until 2008, the Democrat party along with it's fellow travelers in the mainstream media has kept up a steady stream of trash directed towards President Bush and, until 2006, the Republican controlled Congress.  Their daily blather of calling the President a liar, and Congress inept and corrupt.  They called Bush Hitler.  They claimed that Republicans in Congress had a "Culture of Corruption".  On and on it went for six long years.  The Politics of trash talking. 

Starting in 2006 they leveraged all of the trash talking and media cooperation into political gains, claiming that THEY would change Washington.  Throw the bums out, and we will change things! 

Nancy Pelosi, Representative from the Peoples Republic of San Francisco, later to become Speaker of the House, said the she "intended to lead the most honest, most open and most ethical" Congress in history.

In 2008, Barack Obama ran on a platform that could be most easily described as "Trust Me!  I'm not Bush.  I will bring change to Washington.  Embrace Hope!"

A majority of Americans swallowed the Kool-Ade hoping that this person, whom they knew virtually NOTHING about, could indeed bring needed change to Washington.

Here we are, a little more than a year since Mr. Obama was inaugurated into office and what do the American people see?

Do they see the change that they had hoped for?

Not a chance.

The change that most Americans see is not just more of the same, but worse.  Back room deals made in the middle of the night.  Laws passed without being read or understood by the Congress.  Scandal, obstruction of justice, cover ups.

Worst of all, when the American people began to say "Slow Down", to question the direction that the Obama administration was taking the country, they were told to 'Sit Down and Shut Up".

The condescension, arrogance and disdain that the elected leaders of this country, both from the White House and the Capitol, was poured forth on the people.

They have been called stupid, racist, ignorant and worst of all, dangerous.  They have been compared to terrorists, lynch mobs and revolutionaries.  

Where the people cannot be ignored, they are ridiculed.

What kind of nation have we become where our elected leaders, people that WE THE PEOPLE put in office can look down their noses at as if we no longer matter.  THEY KNOW BETTER.  We are not capable of knowing what the right thing to do is, let alone take care of ourselves.  THEY will tell us what to think, how to behave, how to live.

I don't know about you, but when people start saying things like that to me, I stop trusting them and stop listening to them.  After a while, it really begins to make me mad.

If you're like that don't worry.  You're in good company with EIGHTY percent of the rest of the country!

1 comment:

  1. Amen Dave! Our country is crumbling at a fast pace. The craziness going on in Washington gets worse day by day. Stupid is as stupid does.......
