Wednesday, September 15, 2010

An Open Letter to the Republican Party

To the Republican Party, Republican Political Pundits and especially my Senator, the Honorable John Cornyn.  You need to read this carefully, because it is important.

We Conservatives, we followers of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan have for many years been bound to your party of milquetoast "moderates" and the other mushy northeast "Country Club" Republicans who think us rubes.  These people don't see any problems with growing the size of government so long as the "old money" interests are protected.  They detest the nouveau riche of people who actually EARNED their money instead of inherited it.

Only three times in the last 50 years have we Conservatives gained full control of our party.

The first, in 1964, we put Barry Goldwater on top of the ticket.  Typically, you picked a "moderate" Republican from New York to "balance" the ticket and then ran for cover and voted for Johnson.  We Conservatives were betrayed by our own party.  When the smoke cleared, you claimed you "knew" that Goldwater was too radical and used that to bash us as "out of the mainstream.  You gave us Richard Nixon in 1968.

In 1980, we rose again and unfurled the banner of Conservatism behind Ronald Reagan.  Again, you paraded out the old saw about him being "too conservative", but Americans saw through you and the Democrats.  They heard the message of freedom from government control, the free market and the promise of a return to prosperity for our battered economy.  This resulted in the largest electoral landslide in American History.  After enacting the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981, began the longest economic expansion this country has ever known.

In 1988, even though we were not sure of his Conservative bona fides, we accepted George H.W. Bush as the party nominee.  We read his lips: "No new taxes".  We worked hard and helped to elect him.  We were rewarded in 1990 when, unwilling to man-up and actually force the Democrats to cut spending, he was rolled by them and taxes were increased.  Once again we were betrayed.

In 1994, led by Newt Gingrich we rose again.  We forced the weak kneed moderates to stand up and be counted.  We led our party into dominance over the Democrats and their President.  We set this country on the road to fiscal responsibility and in 2001, for the first time in over 40 years, produced a budget surplus.  Unfortunately, that surplus was short lived as the War on Terror, in Iraq and Afghanistan gave cover for increases in spending across the board.  Again, Conservative principles were sacrificed for political expediency and the Republican Party jumped on the spending gravy train once again.

Now it is 2010.  Since the election of Barack Obama, the piglets sucking at the Federal Teats have increased and the budget deficit, already unacceptable under the Bush administration has swelled to over 1.3 Trillion dollars.

Let's put that into context: $1,300,000,000,000.00 equals $422,077.92 of debt for every man, woman and child in the United States.  That was just for the fiscal year ending this month.

The current federal debt has exploded from $9,985,800,000,000.00 to $13,442,100,000,000.00.  In just two years we have added almost 3 Trillion dollars to our national debt.

Republicans are just as much to blame as the Democrats.  In the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 2009, an act that contained over 8,500 "earmarks" in the amount of $7.7 billion dollars.  Only 39 of the 178 Republican House members refused to ask for "earmarks".  The other 139 had their hands out, in line with Democrats, to get their "fair share".

Now, we Conservatives are speaking out again.  We organized the TEA Parties to let our representatives know that we have been Taxed Enough Already.

We spoke out against more spending and more debt.

We put candidates in the Republican Primaries who carried our message.

We ELECTED them, defeating the choices of your party.

You need to understand that we, who have supported you for decades, even after being repeatedly betrayed and ridiculed by you; we are once again taking power.

If you fail to support us; if you abandon us again; if you fail to work for our candidates as we have always worked for yours; if you fail to follow through on your promises to roll back the liberal wave of over regulation and overtaxing; we will remember.  Rest assured we will remember.

To paraphrase one of your candidates, you won't have Conservatives to "kick around" anymore come 2012.

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