Tuesday, September 14, 2010

You know, that Jefferson guy was pretty smart!

As most of you know, I am a student of Politics and a lover of History.  When you combine the two, I can reach stages of joy only known by the truly devout of any known religion.

Today, a friend of mine sent me a forward (you know, the ones you usually delete) entitled "How did Jefferson Know?"  Although it sounded a little too much like the whole "What would Jesus Do?" bit, I dutifully scrolled down the page to find quotations from our third President, Thomas Jefferson.  As I read through them, I was astonished at how much prescience he had of what we are facing in our country today.

I will admit that I have always considered Jefferson a bit too much of a "small D" democrat for my tastes.  His support for the excesses of the French Revolution and his call for the spilling of the "blood of patriots and tyrants" from time to time to refresh "the tree of Liberty" was a bit too much for me to really admire him like some other Presidents.  Of course, some of his personal peccadilloes were over the top.  Some were said to have even made Franklin blush.  That must have taken a lot!

I do give him credit for the Louisiana Purchase where he went way beyond the powers of the President but in turn set our country on the path of greatness, and as the primary author of the Declaration of Independence and a major contributor to the Constitution, he deserves the adulation as one of America's greatest presidents.

So, that being said, let us look at some of these Nostradamus like quotes:

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."

How many generations of people have we empowered, through government largesse to collect their various welfare payments instead of seeking employment.

Just recently, our Congress extended unemployment benefits to 99 weeks, just 5 weeks short of TWO YEARS, thereby removing the necessity to take a job of "lesser" pay or importance from the one they were released from.  Part of the reason that we have to import labor for the more menial jobs in this country is because even the meanest and poorest of our citizens will do better collecting welfare than actually working for a days pay.

"My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government."

Just in the last two years, not including so called "stimulus" packages and "bail outs" of various industries, unions and states, the base federal budget has INCREASED by nearly 38 percent.  Thousands of new pages of regulations are being written every day to cover everything from egg research to what kind of light bulb you can use.

According to www.regulations.gov, in the first 14 days of this month, 198 new rules have been submitted.  Since January 1st of this year, that number is 4,118.  That my friends is an average of 16 new rules EVERY DAY.  A government that makes that many rules has grown way beyond what our founding fathers envisioned.

"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."

The nanny government that is trying to take care of us looks at us as children who don't know any better.  We were told that the more we got to know about the Health Care Reform Act of 2009, the more we would like it.  We were told that we didn't understand properly that borrowing a trillion dollars to spend on make work programs and political and union payoffs would stimulate our economy and create millions of jobs.  Just trust us they said, we'll take care of everything.

You know what?  I was born at night, but not LAST night.

I DON'T trust the government to take care of me, and anyone who does is a fool.

You want to find out who the really smart Presidents are?  Then I encourage you to READ (yes read) Washington, Jefferson, Adams and most of all Reagan.

Inform yourself.  Put on the "whole armor" of truth, knowledge and understanding.  No one can stand against you.

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