Thursday, March 4, 2010

Cockroaches in the Justice Department

My hat is off to Senator Grassley of Iowa for exposing the fact that no fewer than seven lawyers in the Justice Department and two in the White House Office of Legal Counsel previously worked in efforts to provide legal representation to ILLEGAL ENEMY COMBATANTS held at Guantanamo Bay.

I won't go into the legal status of these detainees other than to say that the rules of war have ALWAYS provided for SUMMARY EXECUTION of these types of provocateurs when they were found on the battlefield. I think that the Military Tribunal that was established has gone far out of the way to protect these people.

However, my point is thus: How can these lawyers who until very recently were acting in the interest of AVOWED ENEMIES of the citizens of our country, suddenly be expected to effectively represent these citizen AGAINST our avowed enemies. Have they no sense of morality or do they have some other agenda?

1. Illegal Combatants are not citizens and are not covered by the Constitution of the United States.
2. Illegal Combatants are and should be held by the military and subjected to any type of interrogation technique by which vital information may be extracted.
3. Illegal Combatants should be prosecuted by the military in Courts Martial after which, if convicted, they should be executed. If not, they should be immediately repatriated to whichever nation-state they were received. This would resolve the problem of permanent detention.

These people's SOLE PURPOSE is to kill us. They aren't trying to steal your car or big screen TV. Given the opportunity, they would kill every American Citizen they could reach. Why exactly should they be protected with "Due Process of Law"?

Lawyers who represented people whose sole purpose is to kill Americans CANNOT now act as credible advocates for the American people.

They should be IMMEDIATELY REMOVED from their positions with the government!

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