Friday, March 5, 2010

I'm NOT Angry!

Just wanted to get that out there before some jackboots start kicking in my door. I realize that two crazies recently killed people after writing anti-government rants on the internet. I would just like to point out a couple of things:

1. The first guy attacked the IRS. Now while I don't condone killing the poor day-to-day employees at the IRS, I certainly can understand the frustration with an organization whose job is to take your money and property. Call him a reactionary right wing nutcase.

2. The Pentagon shooter was a "truther" who thought the Bush Administration was to blame for 9-11. He was so far off out in the weeds that even his liberal friends thought him somewhat bizarre. Call him a revolutionary left wing nutcase!

The rest of the sane world falls reasonably between these two extremes, me included.

What I am is disappointed that the American People could be so easily hoodwinked by an obvious charlatan peddling the snake oil of "Hope and Change".

I am embarrassed for those few honest conservatives who continue to call themselves "Democrats" for no reason that I can see, who swallowed the kool-aid of "Obamamania" and have now come to the realization that they are in deep trouble.

I'm sad that our country has had to come to this point of near bankruptcy to finally see that we can't go on and on spending like there is no tomorrow.

So before any of you who might be anonymously reading this blog drops a dime on me to the feds, lighten up. I'm harmless.

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